When frightened slimy salamanders release slimy substance that acts like glue. That substance gives them their name. They live under logs and in tunnels they built. Like all amphibians they absorb water through their skin.Enjoy!
Fowler's toads are brown with golden eyes at night. Unlike American toads Fowler's toads have multiple warts per spot and have a white racing stripe down their back. The biggest one I've ever seen was the size of about the size of a dinner plate.It was Toadzilla!! Their great coloration gives them outstanding camouflage.Enjoy
Ebony Jewelwings are very friendly damselflies, they will often will land on you. They live near creaks and water sources. Males are an electric blue green color. Females are brown. I have shown a photo of the male and female Jewelwings mating. When they are mating, they make a heart shape with their bodies. Hope you find a jewel of your own. Enjoy!
Green frogs have a distinctive hump on their back so you tell them apart from bull frogs. Green are colored to blend in with their environment and do it very well.They live in marsh swampy areas and sometimes in vernal pools. Enjoy!!
Pond hawks are a species of Dragonflies that like to eat grasshoppers. Every time I've seen one eating they have grasshoppers in their mouth. Male are a beautiful electric green color and females are a dazzling blue color. Enjoy my photos. Devin's Nature Blog
Pickerel frogs are explosive jumpers. They jump so quickly that their orange patches on their thighs flash predators so that they can get away. When they are stressed, they are toxic to other species of frogs. They range throughout the United States and Canada. Hope you enjoy my photos. Devin's Nature Blog.
FOOLED YOU! It's a Hummingbird Moth. It has characteristics of all three. It flies like a hummingbird looks like a bee, but it's moth. It hovers from flower to flower sipping nectar. Enjoy my photos. Devin's Nature Blog.