Friday, July 23, 2010

Artistic Turtle

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Painted turtles can be distinguished from other turtles by the red and yellow markings. They are freshwater turtles. Enjoy! - Devin's Nature Blog

Flapping Friday

mallard female (click to enlarge)

mallard male (click to enlarge)

Mallard ducks can be found all over the northern hemisphere even in Asia. They can be up to three pounds and prefer fresh water. Males with their elegant green heads use it to attract a mate. Enjoy my photos. - Devin's Nature Blog

Monday, July 19, 2010

Male Tigers Spotted in suburban NJ

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Up above are tiger swallow tails not real tigers. The spectacular male is a bright yellow with black stripes like tigers. They have tails like tree swallows (type of bird) that gives them their name. Look in gardens for these tigers. Enjoy my photos. - Devin's Nature Blog

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Skipper Sunday

Peck's Skipper Male (click to enlarge)

Peck's Skipper Female (click to enlarge)

I found these beautiful butterflies on my neighbor's purple vetch flowers. They are Peck's Skippers. They live in open grassy areas, like my neighbor's lawn. As you can see the males are brighter than females like birds. Enjoy my photos. - Devin's Nature Blog

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Salamander Saturday

This a beautiful Red Back Salamander I found living under a log in the Plainsboro Preserve.
These salamanders are found in decidious forests. Look under leaf litter, under rocks or logs and you may find one. These Salamanders need to stay moist since they are amphibians and lack lungs. I hope you enjoy my photo.
- Devin's Nature Blog
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