Monday, July 19, 2010

Male Tigers Spotted in suburban NJ

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Up above are tiger swallow tails not real tigers. The spectacular male is a bright yellow with black stripes like tigers. They have tails like tree swallows (type of bird) that gives them their name. Look in gardens for these tigers. Enjoy my photos. - Devin's Nature Blog


  1. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! I love them. Keep up the great work! I am very proud of you! Love you very much. I can't wait for your next post!

  2. These pictures are wonderful! We will definitely keep an eye out for tiger swallows in our backyard. We are very proud of you!

  3. The bunny is too cute! Great close-up pic!

  4. Your pictures are fantastic.
    Grampy bought and planted a butterfly bush for me awhile ago. We have seen some beautiful butterflies on this giant bush but other than the monarch, we cannot identify them. We need your expertise.
    Keep up the good work.
    Love, Mary

  5. These pictures are beautiful the colors of the butterfly and flower came out so well. Great job!
