Saturday, September 25, 2010

A pious bug from China

The Chinese mantis is a species of praying mantis that thrives here in suburban N.J.. They camouflage extremely well with their enviorment (surroundings). They stalk up on their prey (mainly grasshoppers) and devour until their full. Scrapes and bites hurt from these mantises, I know that from experience. The Chinese mantis is also my trademark.

devin's nature blog

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Canadian Invasion

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The Canada goose is a large waterfowl (water bird) that thrives here in New Jersey. They are very light due to their hollow bones. Like all birds these hollow bone enable them to fly. Even though they are everywhere they are majestic.
Enjoy my photos
Devin's Nature Blog.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Mighty Monarch

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Monarch butterflies begin life as caterpillars like all butterflies. The caterpillar above is named Charlie and at the largest he'll grow at two and half inches. Next he'll form a cocoon and go through metamorphosis. Finally it will come out as a butterfly. Devin's Nature Blog ENJOY!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A peep or two in spring

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Spring peepers are the first frogs to start calling in spring. Their call goes like this "peep". At their largest they are the size of a nickel. They live in the woods. They are tree frogs. They can be told apart from other frogs by the X on their backs. Enjoy.
Devin's Nature Blog

Something to hum about

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Above are three male ruby throated humming birds with their elegant ruby throats. Females have white throats. Their nests are the size of silver dollars! WOW!! "VVVVVVRRRRRMMMMMMMM squeak" is what humming bird call sounds like. I have humming birds in my back yard. Enjoy!

Devin's Nature Blog