Saturday, September 25, 2010

A pious bug from China

The Chinese mantis is a species of praying mantis that thrives here in suburban N.J.. They camouflage extremely well with their enviorment (surroundings). They stalk up on their prey (mainly grasshoppers) and devour until their full. Scrapes and bites hurt from these mantises, I know that from experience. The Chinese mantis is also my trademark.

devin's nature blog


  1. The first picture in this series is absolutely amazing! Not only can I see its colors clearly but its face as well. The way the mantis is positioned, it almost looks like its sun bathing on a beach!

    Great pics as usual. I am so proud of you. I can't wait until your next post!

  2. Btw I forgot to mention that you have a great eye. I don't know how you managed to even spot the mantis in some of these pics!

  3. Hopefully you didn't get hurt too much!

  4. These pictures are amazing, you really captured all their details!
