Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Screaming Neighbor

The Bluejay is an easily recognized sight with its bright blue, black and white feathers. The Bluejay is often heard screaming their call which sounds like jay, a warning to all prey of the forest that a fox or something was lurking in hiding. But sometimes the Jay's call is part of a political debate with another Jay. Enjoy my photos

Devin's Nature Blog

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Real Stinker

The Southern Green Stink bug unlike the invasive brown kind actually does produce a smell. This is an introduced species but has become a pest. They hibernate during the winter months in garden rubbish. the southern green stink bug will eat a wide variety of fruit including cotton, peaches and tomatoes and seeds starting with pecan, sorghum and soybeans. Enjoy

Devin's Nature Blog