Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Screaming Neighbor

The Bluejay is an easily recognized sight with its bright blue, black and white feathers. The Bluejay is often heard screaming their call which sounds like jay, a warning to all prey of the forest that a fox or something was lurking in hiding. But sometimes the Jay's call is part of a political debate with another Jay. Enjoy my photos

Devin's Nature Blog


  1. The Bluejay is such a pretty bird! I love your blurb about the blue jay! In our neighborhood they are more likely to warn each other of an impending squirrel attack then a fox attack! I love seeing these birds in the backyard. I hope that the bird feeders go back up-so that snuggles can enjoy them as well!

  2. I always thought that Blue Jays looked really interesting, too.

    I was always a big fan of Cardinals as well. What's cool about them is how different the colors are between the males and the females!

  3. Such a beautiful animal. Great pictures.
