Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jewel of creek

(click to enlarge)

Ebony Jewelwings are very friendly damselflies, they will often will land on you. They live near creaks and water sources. Males are an electric blue green color. Females are brown. I have shown a photo of the male and female Jewelwings mating. When they are mating, they make a heart shape with their bodies. Hope you find a jewel of your own. Enjoy!
Devin's Nature Blog


  1. I love the title of this post and the pictures are so detailed. These ebony jewelwings remind a little bit of dragonflies.

    Great work! Can't wait for the next post!

  2. AMAZING how do you do it! I love the last picture the most. I think your a great photographer.I hope the next post is coming soon. From srikant
